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North Crescent Primary School

‘Guiding explorers of the future’

We have spaces in our 'Outstanding' EYFS (Ofsted 24) for September 2024. New Pre-school for 2 year olds and Nursery for 3 and 4 year olds opening mid September 2024.

Adventurers Y3

Welcome to year 3

we are Adventurers 3...

we are lit up with learning


Welcome to our website and Year 3's very own class page. Our class name is 'Adventurers 3'  


Hello, I am Mrs Pollard class teacher for Year 3 and Mrs Wallace is our class LSA. 


We look forward to the children being 'Lit up with Learning’ during the summer term.


School Reminders


A massive thank you for the wonderful cards and gifts we received.

It is very kind and appreciated by both of us.

We would like to wish you all a fabulous summer and look forward to seeing you all in September.

Very best wishes from Mrs Pollard and Mrs Wallace 


As the weather is getting warmer and the children more thirsty, can you make sure that your child has a named water bottle in school everyday.

This must only contain water.


They are welcome to bring a healthy snack to eat during morning breaktime (no crisps or chocolate please).


We will aim to be outdoors and learning as often as possible (in all weathers) so wear your active uniform or bring suitable shoes and outerwear. 

Each day we will have an additional morning movement session, which will be either: daily mile (walk/jog), aerobics or yoga.

Avoid un-necessary jewellery, remove earrings, or cover earrings and sign the disclaimer


Summer Term 2- From 5-6-23 until 21-7-23 

PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday during summer term 2.

  • Tuesday afternoon: Dance (indoors or outdoors) Weather dependent. 
  • Wednesday morning: Gymnastics (indoors) or Athletics (outside).



    Reading lessons are to be focused on The Accidental Prime Minister by Tom McLaughlin. 

    English lessons will be based on the booThe Mysteries of Harris Burdick by Chris Van Allsburg.

    Maths lessons during this term are money, time, shape and statistics.


    Dates to remember- 

    Tuesday 11th July and Thursday 13th July-Parent consultations (15.30 - 17.30).

    I am looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible to discuss your child's learning during year 3. If you forgot to book an appointment please contact the school office. Thank you.




    A link will be sent out by email on Friday 3rd March and available times will be online via our website. I look forward to seeing you and discussing your child's achievements and progress with you. 


    Reading Expectation


    Your child should be spending 10-15 minutes each day reading, talking about their reading or listening to an adult read. Please use your child’s reading record tree to indicate when they have read (only 1 read a day is to be logged). Teachers, LSA's or school volunteers will also be reading with your child on a regular basis and will record when they have done this.


    We ask that children read at least 4 times a week at home. Children can change their twice a week and a reading task is completed online to check their understanding of the book. Every child's word count is logged via this task and the children have an avatar to move to support their reading as a 'reading rockstar'.


    Reading record trees and returned homework will be checked every Thursday. Children who complete their homework will receive Dojos as a reward for bringing it back into school. Please encourage your child to regularly log on to Times Tables Rock Stars (TTR's) and Sumdog.


    Thank you for your support.

    School Elections  

    Our Adventurers 3 class Ambassadors. Badges to be worn to school everyday.


    Communication Ambassadors

    Orange badges

    Erin and Jack


    Conflict Ambassadors

    Red badges

    Elijah and Toby


    Conservation Ambassadors

    Green badges

    Frankie and Lucas 


    Culture Ambassadors

    Purple  badges

    Isabella and Paul


    Sports Ambassadors

    Blue badges

    Bridget and Cayden


    Congratulations to you all.



    Huge congratulations to our lead learners for spring term-Oceana and Riley. They have demonstrated a number of positive learning behaviours and displayed many of our lead learner character traits.

    They have definitely embraced the school ‘power of yet’ approach to their learning. Well done to your both and keep working hard.


    16-5-23 We had so much fun during our outdoor learning. We learned how to create a spark using a flint and steel tool to light a fairy pillow (cotton wool). The children demonstrated true resilience as they never gave up and were all successful. Well done Adventurers 3.

    5-5-23 What a brilliant day we had celebrating the King Charles III's Coronation. We made sandwiches and enjoyed cake as well as other treats at our picnic.

    Good luck today to our Adventurers 3 representatives as they represent our school at a Cross Country competition. We are very proud of them both, as they compete against children from other schools. Massive well done to all the other fabulous children in Adventurers 3, who took part in the Cross Country competition trials. You are all amazing.

    2.3.23 As part of today's activities to celebrate world book day, we decorated potatoes to look like a book character. The children had lots of fun, but can you guess which one your child made?

    World book day 2023. Can you guess what book character they are?

    Christmas jumper day and dinner day.

    Congratulations to our 3rd place poetry competition winner, such a brilliant achievement and well done.

    11.11.22 for Remembrance day. We collaborated with Adventurers 4 to make a wall hanging.
