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North Crescent Primary School

‘Guiding explorers of the future’

We have spaces in our 'Outstanding' EYFS (Ofsted 24) for September 2024. New Pre-school for 2 year olds and Nursery for 3 and 4 year olds opening mid September 2024.

Navigators Y5



Online Bullying/Relationships


LI:To explain how someone can get help if they are having problems and identify when to tell a trusted adult. 

LI:To demonstrate how to support others (including those who are having difficulties) online.

Today we discussed healthy and unhealthy behaviour online and offline. We then spoke about what they should do if anything makes them feel uncomfortable, nervous or worried online and where to seek support. 



Online Relationships




LI: To give examples of technology – specific forms of communication (e.g. emojis, memes, gifs)

Today we discussed online relationships in regard to Emojis, Gifs and memes. Children identified the difference and then made some of their own. 


Online Relationships



LI: To explain how someone can get help if they are having problems and identify when to tell a trusted adult. 

LI: To recognise that there are some people I can communicate with online who may want to do me or my friends harm/ to recognise this is not my/our fault.


Today in Navigators 5 we discussed how and why we need to be responsible when using devices online.

We suggested different ways to protect ourselves from strangers online and who they can go to, to seek support when necessary. 



Managing Online Information- Trustworthy Content 



LI: To evaluate if content online is trustworthy. 

Today we evaluated trustworthy and untrustworthy content online. We discussed the emotions that we feel when we encountered fake news online, and then made our own animal fake news. 

We also discussed the types of websites that we would be 'sceptical' about trusting and how we need to check the reliability of these sources. 



Online Relationships- Healthy and Unhealthy Online Behaviours              



LI: To know that the same principles apply to online relationships as to face to face. 

This week we discussed how to build a respectful relationship online and explored the concept of 'trolling'. We made posters to raise awareness of trolling online for members of the school community.




Self Image and Self Identity


Today we discussed the terms 'copy', 'modify' and 'alter' and how these words link to the online world. 



Be Internet Brave

Online safety - School Rules 

 We discussed the school rules on the use of technology in school.

All the children signed to show their agreement to these rules.

We displayed the Acceptable Use Agreement in the classroom alongside our Online Safety poster.




