We use the Dimensions PSHE Programme; 3D PSHE. This policy, provided by Dimensions Curriculum, reflects the 2021 guidance and covers all aspects of Relationships Education and Health Education in an age-appropriate way. There are three underlying core themes taught throughout Dimensions 3D PSHE, within which there is broad overlap and flexibility:-
1. Health and Wellbeing
2. Relationships
3. Living in the Wider World
How is PSHE taught? PSHE is taught through a range of methods: talk partners, discussions, open questions, audio and visual stimuli. Pupils may be asked to join-in discussions, ask questions and record through illustrations and writing. Specialist visitors may be engaged from the school nursing team or NatWest Moneysense, for example.
When is PSHE taught? PSHE is taught intrinsically as part of the Dimension themes and additional supplementary lessons. Additionally, class and whole school assemblies address themes that arise from the school’s values, our school day, as well as through local, national and international campaigns and events.
How is content made accessible to all of our pupils, including those with SEND? PSHE is taught explicitly to all pupils. Elements may be pre-taught, taught by interleaving, and through post-teaching. Key vocabulary, images, videos, audio and physical interpretations, such as role play, are planned for universally and/or for specific pupils.
Relationship education is a statutory element of the PSHE curriculum. Sex education is not statutory in Primary education, lessons which concern SE will only be taught with parental consent.
Our curriculum and the progress of all pupils is monitored continuously.
For more information in greater detail please click the link to the full policy North Crescent PSHE and RSE policy 2023 -2024
Any queries concerning PSHE or RSE contact the school office and request the details for the PSHE subject leader.