collects and uses personal information about staff, pupils, parents and other individuals who come into contact with the school. This information is gathered in order to enable it to provide education and other associated functions. In addition, there may be a legal requirement to collect and use information to ensure that the school complies with its statutory obligations.
Schools have a duty to be registered, as Data Controllers, with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) detailing the information held and its use. These details are then available on the ICO’s website. Schools also have a duty to issue a Fair Processing Notice to all pupils/parents, this summarises the information held on pupils, why it is held and the other parties to whom it may be passed on.
Our DPO is Rayleigh Primary who have been registered since 31st March 2000 -registration number Z4573304.
This policy is intended to ensure that personal information is dealt with correctly and securely and in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, and other related legislation. It will apply to information regardless of the way it is collected, used, recorded, stored and destroyed, and irrespective of whether it is held in paper files or electronically.
All staff involved with the collection, processing and disclosure of personal data will be aware of their duties and responsibilities by adhering to these guidelines.
Personal information or data is defined as data which relates to a living individual who can be identified from that data, or other information held.
The Data Protection Act 1998 establishes eight enforceable principles that must be adhered to at all times:
The school is committed to maintaining the above principles at all times. Therefore the school will:
Complaints will be dealt with in accordance with the school’s complaints policy. Complaints relating to information handling may be referred to the Information Commissioner (the statutory regulator).
This policy will be reviewed as it is deemed appropriate, but no less frequently than every 2 years. The policy review will be undertaken by the Headteacher, or nominated representative.
If you have any enquires in relation to this policy, please contact the School who will also act as the contact point for any subject access requests.
Further advice and information is available from the Information Commissioner’s Office, or telephone 01625 545745 3