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North Crescent Primary School

‘Guiding explorers of the future’

We have spaces in our 'Outstanding' EYFS (Ofsted 24) for September 2024. New Pre-school for 2 year olds and Nursery for 3 and 4 year olds opening mid September 2024.

Pathfinders Y2

14-7-22 Copyright and Ownership

To describe why other people’s work belongs to them.

We chose two colours and coloured over the statements to decide whether this made the content  'mine' or 'not mine'. 


7-7-22 Copyright and Ownership

To recognise that content on the internet may belong to other people.

Today we learnt that a piece of work can only belong to someone, if they have created or made it. This is why it is important to name our work. 

30-6-22 Privacy and Security

To explain how passwords can be used to protect information, accounts and devices.

To describe and explain some rules for keeping personal information private (e.g. creating and protecting passwords).

Today we looked at when we might need to use a password and why. We discussed the importance of keeping personal information private. 

16-6-22 Privacy and Security

To explain how some people may have devices in their homes connected to the internet and give some examples ( e.g. lights, fridges, toys, televisions).

We looked at different rooms in our homes and made lists of the devices that are connected to the internet that we found in each one. 

25-5-22  Online Reputation

To explain how information put online about someone can last for a long time

To describe how anyone’s online information could be seen by others

To know who to talk to if something has been put online without consent or if it is incorrect.

When information is uploaded to the internet, it then stays there for a very long time, usually permanently. Today, we looked at some examples of this.

4-5-22 Online Reputation

To describe what information I should not put online without asking a trusted adult first.

To explain how information put online about someone can last for a long time.

Today we discussed what information we should not put online and the reasons why we should not share this information. We also recapped on who our trusted adults are so that we know who to go to for help when we are at school or at home. 

26-4-22 Online Relationships

To explain why I should always ask a trusted adult before clicking ‘yes’, ‘agree’ or ‘accept’ online.

Lots of things online are cleverly designed to make us 'click' on them so today we talked about what it could be e.g. an advert, a message from a stranger, a popup, a download, something tricking us or a computer virus. We agreed that as children we cannot be expected to know what to click and what not to click so it is important that we ask a 'trusted adult'  e.g. a parent, carer or teacher  to help us. We learnt a slogan - 'Remember: Think before you click, click, click.' 

1-4-22      Health, Wellbeing and Lifestyle

To explain rules to keep myself safe when using technology both in and beyond the home.

Today we watched a video and took part in a quiz  about keeping healthy and safe whilst using technology at school and at home.

24-3-22      Online Relationships

To describe different ways to ask for, give or deny my permission online and to identify who to help me if I am not sure.

To explain why I have a right to say 'no' or 'I will have to ask someone'.

To explain who can help me if I feel under pressure to agree to something I am unsure about or don't want to do. 

We talked about the meaning of the word 'permission' - to ask if it is ok to do something before you do it. We thought about times when we have to ask permission to do something and what would happen if we didn't ask permission before we did certain things.  We  realised that it is important to ask permission when we are online too and it is also really important to remember that people should also ask us for our permission.  It is ok to deny permission but if were not sure about whether to give permission, we could ask our trusted adult.  

8-3-22  Online Relationships

 To give examples of how someone might use technology to communicate with others they don’t also know offline and explain why this might be risky (e.g. email, online gaming, a pen-pal in another school/country)

Today we looked at  how we use technology to communicate and the people we might communicate with.

22-2-22  Online Bullying

To talk about how anyone experiencing bullying can get help. 

Today we talked about who we could go to if someone is being unkind to us online whether this happens at home or at school.  These people will be our trusted adults. 

8-2-22   Safer Internet Day

To describe how anyone's online information could be seen by others.

To know who to talk to if something has been put online without consent of if it is incorrect. 

We thought about being online and offline. We sorted information we should keep private and offline versus information it is safe to share online.

We looked at Avatars, usernames and passwords. We decided to use a mix of lower and upper case letters, symbols and numbers in our passwords.

To describe how to behave online in ways that do not upset others and give examples. 

We put our hands together for a kinder internet. We drew round our hands and wrote on the hand a way we could make the internet a kinder place to be. 

1-2-22   Online Reputation

To know how things that happen online can affect our relationships in real life.

To explain how information put online about someone can last for a long time. 

We looked at the Goldilocks book again and discussed how Goldilocks made the bears feel and what they thought about her actions .It also took the bears a long time to forgive Goldilocks however all the things she had posted online were still online.   

26-1-22   Online Relationships

To explain who we should ask before sharing things about ourselves and others online.

To explain how it may make others feel if I do not ask their permission or ignore their answers before sharing something about them online. 

We listened to #Goldilocks and discussed implications of sharing things about ourselves and others online.

# Goldilocks

19-1-22   Managing online Information

To explain the difference between things that are imaginary, made up or make believe and things that are true or real.

To explain why some information we find online may not be real or true.

We remembered learning that the Arctic Circle was an imaginary line around our world. We discussed the question  “Do you think it is easy to tell if something online is real or not?”  We concluded that sometimes, it is really hard to tell and reminded ourselves that anyone can create content online. Just because it is online, it doesn’t make it real.

12-1-22   Managing online Information

To demonstrate how to navigate a webpage  to get information I need (e.g. home, forward, back buttons, links, tabs and sections). 

The children continued searching for information to complete their Arctic animal fact files.  We learned about the main parts of a webpage and how to use the forward, back buttons, scroll bar and opening and closing tabs. The children  found it a bit tricky to navigate the webpages. 

5-1-22   Managing online Information

To  use simple key words in search engines

Today the children  used the safe search engine Kiddle to research information about the animals that live in the Arctic. We talked about the reasons for using a safe search engine and explored the use of simple key words when searching.


December 2021

Click the link to see the latest advice to stay safer online over the winter break.

Anti-Bullying Week

15th November to 19th November

Online Bullying

To explain what bullying is, how people may bully others and how bullying can make someone feel.

To explain why anyone who experiences bullying is not to blame.

This week we talked about what we do online and the devices we use to access the internet. We discussed how, just like real life, our digital life can make us happy or even sad. We suggested who we can use technology to talk to e.g Nan and Grandad, friends, mum & dad but we learned we should not use technology to talk to strangers. We thought about how we would feel if someone says something nasty online to us. We also talked about who we could ask for help if we were worried about anything we saw or heard online. 

We read the story Troll Stinks by Jeanne Willis

Troll Stinks

After we read the story we discussed some of the issues that arose like taking the farmer's phone instead of returning it, searching through someone else's phone and sending mean messages to the Troll, someone they had never met. 

We rehearsed what we should do if we are bullied online:

  • Don't respond or reply.
  • Save the evidence... take screenshots.
  • Tell a trusted adult.
  • Block the bully.
  • Report it!

Finally we talked  and wrote posters about how important it is to speak to people nicely online.





Be Internet Brave

Online safety - School Rules 

 We discussed the school rules on the use of technology in school.

All the children signed to show their agreement to these rules.

We displayed the Acceptable Use Agreement in the classroom alongside our Online Safety poster.

