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North Crescent Primary School

‘Guiding explorers of the future’

Nursery spaces available for children age 2, 3 or 4. Please contact the school office for an application pack or for a tour.

Class 2

Tuesday 6th February - Internet Safety Day

Class 2 spent the day learning about how to stay safe online. We began by taking a quiz that had multiple choices for what we do in certain situations. The children learnt how we should not talk to anyone online that we do not know in real life, how are passwords are private and that we should always tell a trusted adult if we see or hear anything inappropriate on our computers.


We also created our own digital footprints by filling the inside of a shoe shape with all the types of digital media we use, watch and play with. Many of us have games consoles, music devices and watch cartoons on websites like CBBC and YouTube. We talked about the safety of each so that we can make the most of the wonderful digital lives we lead!


At the end of the day we created a safety tree with lots of advice about what we have learnt when using the internet. this is displayed in the entrance of our classroom for others to come and read to spread the message of safer use and how to have fun on digital media appropriate for our ages. smiley
