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North Crescent Primary School

‘Guiding explorers of the future’

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Pathfinders Y1

Pathfinders 1

Friday 19th May 2023

Thank you to everyone who came to our sharing assembly. The children loved sharing their learning with their families.

This afternoon we have been busy planting our sunflowers 🌻. Look out for them around the school grounds.

Friday 5th May 2023

Coronation Celebrations 

Pathfinders 1 had a lovely morning making royal crowns, colouring in Union Jack flags and making red, white and blue streamer wands to use in the afternoon during the whole school celebrations. They also made sandwiches and decorated biscuits with red, white and blue icing.

In the afternoon they joined the rest of the school and sang God save the King and the Coronation Day song to years 4, 5 and 6.

After that, everyone enjoyed sharing the picnic food and some delicious cake made by the school kitchen staff.

It certainly was a day to remember.

Summer Term 1 - Week 3.

Tuesday 2nd May 2023

Pathfinders 1 have been working hard over the last couple of weeks during English lessons. Everyone is loving our new class book ‘Handsome Hog’ by Mwenye Hadithi and are now writing their own innovated version of the story.  

During our afternoon reading for pleasure sessions other books by Mwenye Hadithi are very popular. Ask your child what their favourite book is.


Friday 3rd March 2023

This week we have been very busy in all areas of the curriculum.  We have been learning how to innovate the story ‘Owl Babies’ by Martin Waddell by changing the Owl Babies to Rabbit Babies, Hedgehog Babies and many other animal babies.  Ask your child to tell you their version of the story.

During World Book Day we had fun guessing what book characters everyone was dressed up as and then we all enjoyed being warmed up around a camp fire with hot chocolate and biscuits while reading a book.


Please check the school bags for this week’s spellings and maths homework. Finally, please read with your child at least five times per week and sign and date their reading tree.  We have set up a reading challenge in class and it would be lovely if everyone could complete it by the end of the spring term.

Have a lovely weekend.



Spring 1 2023

As we approach the end of the half term I would just like to say well done to all the children who have welcomed me into Pathfinders 1. It has been a joy getting to know the children and teaching them. 

This term we have been creative and designed a delicious afternoon tea menu and we are just finishing writing a story about the Three Billy Goats Gruff. The children have used some amazing adjectives.

Our next book we will be reading is Owl Babies. We will be considering how the owl babies felt when they were left alone.

Have a lovely half term break and I look forward to seeing everyone after the break.




Autumn 2 Week 8 19/12/22-20/12/22

Monday 19th December

Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Dinner

Children to wear a Christmas jumper and bring in a donation of £1 for Save the Children. 

Tuesday 20th December

Class Party

Children to bring in their own party food  to eat themselves.

The children will not be asked to share their food with each other. 

Thank you

Autumn 2 Week 7 12/12/22-16/12/22

Tuesday 13th December  (instead of Thursday 8th December)

Come into school and see the children's work.

Also an opportunity to meet their new teacher Mrs Pinchback 

Wednesday 14th December - Y1, Y2 & Y3 Carol Concert   9.15am

Thursday 15th December - Y1, Y2 & Y3 Carol Concert   2.00pm

Friday 16th December 1.30pm - Christmas decorations

Parents are invited into school to make Christmas decorations with their children. 

Monday 19th December -

Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Dinner

Tuesday 20th December -

Pathfinders 1 - End of term party

Please could children bring in their own packed 'party food' .

Winter Reading Challenge


Join the Gadgeteers as they use their ingenuity and creativity to keep everyone entertained during a snowstorm. 

Get ready for cool do-it-at-home experiments and the best reading activities around as you complete your very own Winter Mini Challenge.

Taking part in the Winter Mini Challenge is simple: all you have to do is read at least three books between 1 December 2022 and 20 February 2023.

You can choose any books you like – fact books, fiction, joke books, picture books, eBooks, audio books – the choice is yours!

Click on link below for more details. 

Autumn 2 Week 6 5/12/22-9/12/22

Friday 9th December

The children had a great time at the pantomime today

- Oh no they didn't!

- Oh yes they did!



The children looked at maps of the United Kingdom and identified its countries. Then the children researched to find the capital cities of each of these countries.  Some children also found out the national flower for each country.  

Autumn 2 Week 5 28/11/22-2/12/22

Wow! Pathfinders 1 - a fantastic class assembly.

Well done to you all.


Friday 9th December - Whole school Panto Trip - Peter Pan

(Cold lunch only available today) 

Friday 9th December - Christmas Fayre

Tuesday 13th December  (instead of Thursday 8th December)

Come into school and see the children's work. 

Wednesday 14th December - Y1, Y2 & Y3 Carol Concert   9.15am

Thursday 15th December - Y1, Y2 & Y3 Carol Concert   2.00pm

Friday 16th December - Christmas decorations

Parents are invited into school to make Christmas decorations with their children. 

Monday 19th December -

Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Dinner

This week we have started a new Dimensions unit

A geography-based National Curriculum thematic unit with a focus on compass points, continents and oceans, geographical vocabulary and human and physical features. Pupils will also learn about UK geography and where in the world some foods come from.


First the children looked at a compass and how we could use it to locate places on a map.  We also used directional language to tell our partners how to get from one place on the map to another. 


Today the children designed and drew their own map. They then placed some physical and human features on the map and wrote a key.  The children used locational language  to tell their partners where different features were on their maps. 

Autumn 2 Week 4 21/11/22-25/11/22

Wednesday 30th November - Flu vaccinations

Thursday 1st December - Class Assembly  2.50-3.10pm

The children will tell you some of the things they have been learning about this term. Please support them by coming to watch in the school hall. 

Friday 9th December - Whole school Panto Trip - Peter Pan

(Cold lunch only available today) 

Friday 9th December - Christmas Fayre

Tuesday 13th December  (instead of Thursday 8th December)

Come into school and see the children's work. 

Wednesday 14th December - Y1, Y2 & Y3 Carol Concert   9.15am

Thursday 15th December - Y1, Y2 & Y3 Carol Concert   2.00pm

Friday 16th December - Christmas decorations

Parents are invited into school to make Christmas decorations with their children. 

Monday 19th December -

Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Dinner


Autumn 2 Week 3 14/11/22-18/11/22

Friday 18th November

Children in Need

Wear something Spotty on Friday and

send in a contribution to support Children in Need 2022. 

DT - Tooth Fairy Project 

The children researched different containers to hold milk teeth and keep them safe for the tooth fairy. The children preferred the little bags or pillows so used these to base their designs on. They then designed, made and evaluated their product. 

Photographs coming soon. 

Autumn 2 Week 2 7/11/22-11/11/22

Please could the children bring in tinned and packet goods for our Harvest box.

Thank you

Clay Poppies for Rememberance Day 

This week we made clay poppies by making  pinch pots, allowing them to dry and then painting them with a mixture of PVA and paint. We were all thrilled at the beautiful poppies we made. They were displayed in the hall for our special Rememberance Assembly on Friday. 

Ar5 3D-Form Explore sculpture with a range of malleable media e.g. clay
Ar13 3D-Form Manipulate clay in a variety of ways e.g. rolling, kneading and Shaping

Autumn 2 Week 1 31/10/22-4/11/22

Please remember:

A named water bottle in school every day.

Reading books, in their plastic bag, in school every day. 

All clothing to be named.

Thank you

October half term home learning

Click on the link below to see the children's home learning on reusing materials to make another product that they can use at home. 


The children have now completed half a term in Year 1. They have settled in well  and worked really hard. Well done to all in Pathfinders 1.

We hope you all have a lovely holiday with lots of fun and return to school on Monday 31st October rested and ready for Autumn 2. 

Take care and keep safe

Mrs. Barber and Mrs. Woodford

PS - Reminder to sign up to National Online Safety site and learn about keeping your child safe online. Click on documents below for links. 

Autumn 1 Week 7 17/10/22-20/10/22


This week is National Recycling Week and as a school we have been taking part in different activities to support this event. 

Pathfinders 1 are using things they throw away to make a model as part of their Home learning Holiday Project - reusing  materials. 

We also investigated the different types of rubbish that we found around our school and looked at how these could be recycled or not.  We predicted that plastic would be the most common material that we found and we were correct. 

We discussed how plastic can be bad for the environment and what we could do ourselves to make sure we used less plastic. 


Autumn 1 Week 6 10/10/22-14/10/22


Programming - Moving a robot

We started our learning by looking at the buttons on the Beebot and understanding the commands that result from pushing these buttons. 

Then we practised using the different commands to see how this made the Beebot move. After this we  predicted  how the Beebot would move when we entered a sequence of commands.  We found out that we have to input the commands carefully and accurately. 

Autumn 1 Week 5  3/10/22 - 7/10/22


In science we looked  at animal habitats.


We found out that 'Habitats' are places where animals and plants live. The plants and animals - including humans - in a habitat need each other to survive. Most things live in habitats to which they are suited and different habitats provide for the basic needs of different kinds of animals and plants.

We looked at the animals and plants found in ocean and woodland habitats before we went outside to investigate what we could find in our school grounds. We were amazed at how many different living things we found. 

Find out about some different habitats by clicking on the links below:


Tuesday 11th & Thursday 13th October

Parent Consultations - book online. 

Friday 21st October

Teacher Training Day - school closed to pupils. 

Monday 24th October to Friday 28th October

Half Term holiday - School closed

Autumn 1 Week 4  26/9/22 - 30/9/22


We read the book 'The huge bag of worries'  by Virginia Ironside. 

We found out that worry is something we feel and worries make different people feel different things. We talked about how it is not always easy to let our worries go but we can talk to an adult  about how we might be able to do this. We also thought that we could try writing our worries down on slips of paper, folding them up  and giving them to our class Worry Monster.

This is what our Worry Monster said: 

                  I am your personal Worry Monster

And I am always here.

When worries creep into your mind

Don’t let them turn to fear.


Take a piece of paper

Write down what’s in your head.

Write down your doubts, bad dreams and woes

And give them to me instead.


I’ll gobble them up and munch them down,

I’ll chomp and chow and chew.

In the morning they’ll all be gone

And you can start your day brand new.



This week in Science we looked at pictures of animals and matched adults to their offspring. We discovered that some offspring look like their adults but some are completely different. We also learnt the names for the offspring. 


Thank You

Thank you to all the parents who attended the meeting this morning.

If you were unable to attend I have attached a pdf of the powerpoint I shared  for you to see. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask. 

Monday 26th  September  8.50 am - Invitation to Meet the Teacher

Please come and hear all about what to expect in  Year 1.

Autumn 1 Week 3  20/9/22 - 23/9/22

Jeans for Genes

We would like to say a big thank you to all that arrived to school in jeans today and donated towards the charity Jeans for Genes. As a school we have managed to raise over £140 towards such an important cause. As always, your support is really appreciated. 


What is a Harvest Festival?

We learnt that a harvest festival is a celebration of the food that is grown on the land and celebrations giving thanks for our food, happen in many countries around the world. 

In the past, it was not as easy to find food in the winter. It was important that farmers brought the harvest in before the cold winter came so that there was enough food until the spring. Now, we bring food in from all around the world.

Fruits and vegetables are available for us to buy at all times of the year. Harvests all around the world allow us to enjoy different foods at any time of year.

The children drew pictures of their favourite foods to say

'Thank you for the Harvest'. 

(Harvest image :<a href=''>fall png from</a> )

In Science this week we looked at how we know things  are living or non living. 

We learnt that to be alive we need to have all the life processes. These are the things that all living things do. They move, breathe, sense, grow, make more of themselves, get rid of waste and get their energy from food. 

We learnt that things that are dead were once living but they no longer have any of the life processes. 

We also discovered that things made out of metal, plastic or rock were never living. They never had any of the life processes. 

Watch the video below to learn more. 


Living and Non-Living Things

The Promise


The children made a class promise after reading the book

'The Promise' by Nicola Davies.



Monday 19th September

 School closed - Queen Elizabeth II Funeral

Friday 23rd September - Jeans for Genes Day

£1 donation & come to school wearing  jean trousers, please note the top half is normal uniform please

Monday 26th  September  8.50 am - Invitation to Meet the Teacher

Please come and hear all about what to expect in  Year 1.

Autumn 1 Week 2  12/9/22 - 16/9/22


We had a great day today!

In the morning we  followed instructions to make a jam sandwich.

Look at the photographs below to see us in action:



Then we  ordered  instructions in our English books to show how we made our jam sandwiches.

In the afternoon we had our Teddy Bears Picnic, our teddies really enjoyed eating the teddy shaped sandwiches, playing games and singing teddy songs. 


  School Elections  

On Friday the children voted for our class Ambassadors and today they were given their badges to wear proudly to school everyday.

Here are the results:

Communication Ambassadors

Orange badges

Luchi and Leo



Conflict Ambassadors

Red badges

Jake and Lily



Conservation Ambassadors

Green badges

Brielle and Nathaniel


Culture Ambassadors

Purple  badges

Freya and Oscar



Sports Ambassadors

Blue badges

Kian and Laila


Congratulations to you all.


Maths Outdoor Learning

This week in maths we have been learning how we can sort objects in different ways. We went outside and gathered objects and sorted them  by size, colour or type.

Click on the purple spiral below to see photographs of our sorted objects. 

   Learning Means the World   

This week we will start our first Dimensions unit ' Happily Ever After'. This is a thematic unit based around fairy tales, with a key focus on literacy and drama. It is designed to enable pupils to develop a love of stories, as well as providing a vehicle for communication through creative arts work. 


In English this  week the children are reading the book

'Where's My Teddy' by Jez Alborough. 

On Monday we looked at the information that we needed to include when writing an  invitation. Then the children wrote an invitation to their teddies for a Teddy Bears Picnic on Friday.   

Autumn 1 Week 1 5/9/22 - 9/9/22 

    Science - Seasons    

The children are learning the names of the four seasons and thinking about the weather associated with each one. The children predicted what a 'Summer' apple tree would look like and then went outside to make an observational drawing of one.  We will repeat this activity throughout the year to compare the one tree in all of the different seasons.

   International Read a Book Day   

Tuesday 6th September

Today we read several books together to mark International Read a Book Day.

The children enjoyed the stories. Maybe you could read a book together at home.  

Welcome Back Everyone!

Welcome to Pathfinders 1.

It was great to see the children  and to hear all their news. Thank you for returning the Envelope of Summer, the children really enjoyed sharing their holiday adventures. We have had a lovely week getting to know the children and they have settled into the routines of year 1 very well. We cannot believe that one week has passed already and we are looking forward to learning together this term. 

Welcome to our website and Year 1's very own page. 

Our class name is 'Pathfinders 1'  


Hello, I am Mrs Barber your new teacher for Year 1 and Mrs Woodford will be our class LSA. We cannot wait to meet you in September and begin our exciting year of learning together. 

Keep looking at this web page to see all the exciting news and photographs of our learning and the  events we take part in during the year. There will also be information about class routines, homework and reminders about future events.


We hope you are enjoying your summer holidays and that you are busy filling your

'Envelope of Summer' with lots of things that will remind you of all the exciting  adventures you are having . (If you have lost the envelope  details can be downloaded from link below or click on Home Learning icon above). We cannot wait to see what you fill your envelopes with!

Remember to take part in the Summer library Reading Challenge -  Gadgeteers.

You can find their web page on the link below. You can also watch the video below telling you all about the reading challenge.

How many books will you read this summer?     

We hope you will tell us all about your favourite book when you return to school.

Back to School Reminders

Please have a named water bottle in school everyday. This must only contain water.


We look forward to seeing you back at school on Monday 5th September

with your 'Envelope of Summer' and ready to burst with brilliance!

Have fun and keep safe

Mrs Barber and Mrs Woodford

