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North Crescent Primary School

‘Guiding explorers of the future’

We have spaces in our 'Outstanding' EYFS (Ofsted 24) for September 2024. New Pre-school for 2 year olds and Nursery for 3 and 4 year olds opening mid September 2024.

Phonics and Reading


At North Crescent we promote a love of reading.

It is the most important skill to learn and

crucial in every school subject and throughout life.

We read every day at school, but we also want the children to read regularly at home. 


Reading should be a relaxed and enjoyable time for you both therefore offer praise and encouragement for all your child's efforts. Talk about the book together to further your child's understanding of the text

Free e-books

Read the e-books on the Oxford Owl site. Click on the link below.

Then login using the following:

User: ncps

Password: MrsB
