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North Crescent Primary School

‘Guiding explorers of the future’

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Adventurers Y4

Managing online information



To analyse and describe how to search for information in a wide group of technologies and make a judgement about probable accuarcy 


As part of our curriculum theme the pupils had to search for places in the UK. Skills they used were: 

  • typing keywords carefully 
  • keyword search with refinement 
  • scrolling to read 
  • reading maps and using images for factual content
  • checking sources on more than one site to check for accuracy

Self image and identity




LI to describe positive ways for someone to interact and with others online and undestand how this will positively impact on how others perceive them


We explored how messages may be interpreted. We discussed the pros and cons of using emojis and making personal jokes. 

Online relationships 




LI to describe strategies for safe and fun experiences in a range of online social 


We shared how we use the Internet for fun. Many children play games and use chat facilities. 

Ways to stay safe: 

  • tell an adult you are online
  • keep chat aloud not through headphones 
  • arrange to play with known friends
  • be friendly but not too friendly with unknown people

Online relationships 



LI to be respectful to others online: healthy and unhealthy behaviours 


We watched a video from National Online Safety site, which revised healthy and unhealthy behaviours. We talked about how to control our actions and manage the time we spend online. 

Over the next two weeks the pupils made posters to display around school. 

Online relationships 



LI describe strategies for safe and fun experiences 


Pupils shared what they like to do using online technology.

gaming: live games, talking to other players, using chat platforms, learning games like TTRS and Sumdog 

listening to music: Google and Amazon devices

watching: using Youtube for videos, Tik Tok


How do you do this safely? do the activities with parents in the room, parents know what they are doing, some know that there are locks on some of their useage 





Managing online information


LI to explain what is meant by fake news 


We shared some news headlines - some real and some invented. Can you tell the difference? Sometimes the information seems really silly but sometimes it is hard to work it out. We watched BBC Newsround. We talked about...What if some of the information was deliberately not true? How would you feel?

Managing online information 


LI to describe methods used to encourage people to buy things online

LI to explain why lots of people sharing the same opinions or beliefs online do not make them true


The class shared the lesson from National Online Safety and in conjunction with PSHE talked about how persuasion can be powerful. How content providers online use celebrities (singers, footballers, TV stars, YouTubers), fashion, emotions and special offers to persuade adults and children to like, use and buy products. This can also lead to peer pressure to like the same things. 




Health, wellbeing and lifestyle


LI To explain how using technology can be a distraction from other things


In a joint lesson with our PSHE we talked about things we're good at, our future selves. The pupils started to consider barriers to them gaining the skills or knowledge they need to reach their goals. Some jobs need good tech skills but don't - so they talked about their spare time and hobbies helping or getting in the way. 


learn to type

learn to use the Internet

learn to create programs

learn to create games 

learn to be a teacher 

stops exercise 

stops meeting friends

stops going to shops 

stops reading books 

stops play other games 


Online bullying 


LI I can describe ways people can be bullied through a range of media 


First we talked about what bullying can be. We use our class display to recall the meaning. We also talked about, that while people may act like a bully they may not 'be' a bully all of the time and there may be reasons why people act like bullies. Telling someone will help us but might also be good for them. 

In the real world bullying can be:

  • repeated 
  • deliberate 
  • targeted
  • use power - by many against one, size or age
  • physical and emotional 


Then we thought about how bullying would be done in cyber space. It would be the same as real bullying, but use words and pictures. It may also mean our devices are 'hacked' or misused. And also may be hard to escape, as our devices are around at home. 


What should you do?

1) Don't respond.

2) Screen grab or screen shot - don't delete.

3) Tell a trusted adult.






Self-image and identity


to explain how my online identity can be different from my offline identity


We explored what makes our identity. 

  • family
  • what we look like
  • where we live
  • school or jobs
  • things we like or dislike


Next, we watch the lesson video, which raised ideas about when it is acceptable and when it is wise to be cautious about how people portray themselves online. 

  • usernames
  • avatars 
  • skins and characters 


Pupils are encouraged to always seek help if they are uncomfortable about time online. 


to revisit our online responsibilities 


Today we read, talked about and signed our agreement to use online resources appropriately. 
