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North Crescent Primary School

‘Guiding explorers of the future’

We have spaces in our 'Outstanding' EYFS (Ofsted 24) for September 2024. New Pre-school for 2 year olds and Nursery for 3 and 4 year olds opening mid September 2024.

Phonics Screening Check

Phonics Screening Check

What is the screening check?

There are two sections in this 40-word check and it assesses phonics skills and knowledge learned through Reception and Year 1. Your child will read up to four words per page for their teacher and they will probably do the check in one sitting of about    5–10 minutes. The list of words are made up of real and nonsense/pseudo words (These are words that are phonically decodable but are not actual words with an associated meaning e.g. brip, snorb). Pseudo words are included in the check specifically to assess whether your child can decode a word using phonics skills and not their memory. 

Watch the clip below to show a Phonics Screening check.

Woodford Green Primary School Y1 Phonics Test

Practise these words - similar to those in phonic screening check

More practise cards

Try these phonic mats - phonic activities

Phonics Screening Revision lessons

Scroll through the phonic revision lessons below. The sound covered in each lesson is written above each Youtube clip. (There are 4 lesson introducing a different sound and then the fifth lesson reviews all these sounds. This pattern is repeated throughout the 30 lessons). 

Lesson 1 - Phonics Screening Check Revision

ay play

Lesson 2 - Phonics Screening Check Revision

a_e make

Lesson 3 - Phonics Screening Check Revision

ea sea

Lesson 4 - Phonics Screening Check Revision

e me

Lesson 5 - Phonics Screening Check Revision

Review of the week ay a_e ea e

Lesson 6 - Phonics Screening Check Revision

ie pie

Lesson 7 - Phonics Screening Check Revision

i_e time

Lesson 8 - Phonics Screening Check Revision

o go

Lesson 9 - Phonics Screening Check Revision

o_e stone

Lesson 10 - Phonics Screening Check Revision

Review the week

Lesson 11 - Phonics Screening Check Revision

ue blue

Lesson 12 - Phonics Screening Check Revision

ew chew

Lesson 13 - Phonics Screening Check Revision

u_e use

Lesson 14 - Phonics Screening Check Revision

aw straw

Lesson 15 - Phonics Screening Check Revision

Review of the week ue ew u_e aw

Lesson 16 - Phonics Screening Check Revision

ea bread

Lesson 17 - Phonics Screening Check Revision

ir bird

Lesson 18 - Phonics Screening Check Revision

ou cloud

Lesson 19 - Phonics Screening Check Revision

oy toy

Lesson 20 - Phonics Screening Check Revision

Review of the week ea ir ou oy

Lesson 21 - Phonics Screening Check Revision

i child

Lesson 22 - Phonics Screening Check Revision

a paper

Lesson 23 - Phonics Screening Check Revision

ow snow

Lesson 24 - Phonics Sreening Check Revision

u unicorn

Lesson 25 - Year 2 Phonics Screening Check Revision

Review of the week i a ow u

Lesson 26 - Phonics Screening Check Revision

ph phone

Lesson 27 - Phonics Screening Check Revision

wh wheel

Lesson 28 - Phonics Screening Check Revision

ie field

Lesson 29 - Phonics Screening Check Revision

g gem

Lesson 30 - Phonics Screening Check Revision

Review the week ph wh ie g
