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North Crescent Primary School

‘Guiding explorers of the future’

Nursery spaces available for children age 2, 3 or 4. Please contact the school office for an application pack or for a tour.



Weekly Spellings

The children will bring home new spellings every Thursday which will then be tested on the following Wednesday. If the list is lost please click on link below for a copy.

Please practise these spellings with your child and write each spelling in a sentence to help the children to understand the meaning of the word.

This homework should be returned to school each week.

No spellings given out on 15-12-22.

Spellings will resume after the Christmas Holiday. 


Ideas to help your child with their spellings

Look Cover Write Check

Words on your back

This is a fun and sometimes 'tickly' way to learn words. Sit with your back facing your child and ask them to write one of their spelling words on your back. If spelt correctly, they get a point. If spelt incorrectly, provide the spelling on paper or say each letter aloud so your child can write it on your back correctly.

You can also allow your child to check if you can spell the word correctly too by swapping roles.

 Chalk Words

Buy a pack of coloured chalk and allow your child to write their spelling words on your driveway or on an area of outside paving. With our British climate, it isn't long until the words will be washed away by the rain ready to start again. Children love this activity as it allows them to write where they wouldn't normally be allowed to!

 Cloud Writing

Say a key spelling word and then your child has to write the word in the air while saying each letter aloud. The movements can be as big and as exaggerated as they want. The bigger the movements, the more fun they'll have!


Pretend to be a cheerleader and spell out the words by saying the letters individually and then the word altogether. Use a high cheer for tall letters (like t, l, h, etc.) or put hands on hips for letters that sit within the line (a, e, n, c, etc.). You could do a low cheer for letters that drop below the line (y, g, j, etc.). 

 Word Hunt

If there are any words your child is finding difficult to spell or read, you could play this game.

Put the words on post it notes / pieces of paper and hide them around your house. You could hide them anywhere indoors or outside, under their bed or even in their coat pockets.

When your child finds these words they have to read them or write them down. Time how long it takes your child to find all the words then see if they can beat the time when they repeat the activity.

Jigsaw game

Write the word your child is learning on a piece of paper and then cut out each letter. Your child then has to put the pieces back together to make the word. Once your child is more familiar with the words you could write sentences which include the spelling words, cut up these sentences into individual words and then children put back together and read the sentence. This helps your child to put their spelling words in context.

Spell Text

Many children love to use phones and tablet computers so why not let them practise their spellings on them?

  • You could ask your child to write all their spellings in a text and send it back to yourself or another phone owner within the household.
  • Check the spellings and encourage your child to re-send any that they get wrong.
  • Alternatively, you could ask your child to text or message a silly story with their target spelling words in. This gives them the opportunity to engage with technology and write nonsense stories!

 Lily Pad Spellings

This is a fun and physical way to reinforce target spellings.

  • Write all the letters of the alphabet on pieces of paper or sticky notes and lay them out (in any order) on the floor like lily pads on a pond.
  • Say a word for your child to spell and they then have to step from one letter to the next spelling out the word correctly.
  • If they get a letter wrong, pause at the incorrect letter and remind them of what letter should come next. Then, start again from the beginning of the word.
  • You could give a point every time a word is spelt correctly.
  • You could also set a  time limit within which your child needs to spell the word, i.e. 30 seconds.
  • Alternatively, you could let your child hold the spelling words and test you to see if you spell them correctly. This will help your child to think of the order of the letters as they check if you're stepping on the correct letters in the correct order. 