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North Crescent Primary School

‘Guiding explorers of the future’

We have spaces in our 'Outstanding' EYFS (Ofsted 24) for September 2024. New Pre-school for 2 year olds and Nursery for 3 and 4 year olds opening mid September 2024.

Class 1

Tuesday was Safer Internet Day and this was celebrated by the whole school.

We started the day by thinking about all the different ways we go online

and what we do when we are online.

When we are online we need to make lots of choices, and give others the chance to make choices for themselves. We discussed how upset / frustrated we would be if our ability to make choices was taken away.

We listened to a story about Zap and Zoom who love to use the internet and spotted some of the choices they made when online.

We looked at different ways of saying Yes and No, including different symbols.

When we are using the internet, it’s important we make good choices, so we can look after ourselves and other people. We learnt that we need to ask if something is okay to do or not okay to do.


We practised asking permission to throw a beanbag to each other. We learnt that it was important to wait for a response before throwing and that there were lots of different ways of asking permission using words and actions. We thought about which ones would work best online and what would not work but really it does not matter how we ask permission, what is important is that we do.

Then we thought about what the internet is and what it can do. We found that the 

internet is made up of wires and  cables that can connect people’s computers, televisions and games consoles, and it can also travel through the air and connect people’s phones, tablets, computers and games consoles. It’s a bit like all these things are having a big conversation all across the world!

Finally we  thought about who we are connected to e.g. our family and friends, our school and home town. We sat in a circle and passed a ball of wall to a child of our choice that we are connected to and explained the connection. We ended up with a huge physical web of connections. See photo below



Today the children were using the safe search engine Kiddle to search for images to add to a Powerpoint presentation. The children understood the importance of using a safe search engine and we also discussed what we would do if an inappropriate image appeared.


Today the children used laptops and were introduced to the internet and the class page on our school website. They were then shown how to  go to the internet safety children's page and click on safe searching Kiddle. We discussed how important it was to  always use  a children's safe searching engine  to keep us safe . 

    E-safety - School Rules 

We discussed the school rules on the use of technology in school.

