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North Crescent Primary School

‘Guiding explorers of the future’

We have spaces in our 'Outstanding' EYFS (Ofsted 24) for September 2024. New Pre-school for 2 year olds and Nursery for 3 and 4 year olds opening mid September 2024.

Class 2

Managing online information

During our Digital photography lessons we were introduced to  the concept that images can be changed for a purpose. We looked at a range of images that have been changed in different ways and through this, developed an awareness that not all images we see are real.  This helped us to understand that information we find online may not be real or true. 

Online relationships

We have been learning :

How to ask before we share things about ourselves or others online. This included describing different ways to ask for, give, or deny our permission online and identifying who can help us if we are not sure. Also thinking about how it might make others feel if we do not ask permission or ignore their answwrs before sharing something about them online. 


Be Internet Alert

9-2-20 Safer Internet Day

Today we looked at ways of staying safe when online.

We started the day by watching the BBC Live Safer Internet Day programme where we:

Listened to top tips from celebraties on how they stay safe when online and played a game where we listened to scenarios and had to decide whether to 'accept', 'check', or 'reject'.

We were shown how to navigate the internet repectfully and sensitively, knowing how to recognise appropriate and inappropriate online behaviour and how to raise concerns.

We took part in a Super Movers activity to help us recognise right from wrong.

Finally we were taught  about being inquiring and thoughtful about content we see on the internet, and they helped us to understand  and be aware that not all of the information we see online will be credible.


Then we read a story  about a duck called Digiduck who loves to go online. It was called Detective Digiduck and we learned these top tips about using the internet to find things out:

Ask an adult to help us use the internet

Check another website to see if it says the same thing

Look in a book

To understand that not everything  we read or see online is true. 

Click on the link below for the book. 

We became 'Fact Detectives' and made a poster about an animal that included  a  true fact, an untrue fact and an opinion.  We shared these posters with each other and we had to decide which statement was which. We talked about what we could do to check.

Finally we took part in the Safer Internet Day Quiz .

Click on the link  below to take part .


Today we showed how we could use information technology safely and responsibly. We created a poster which included things to think about when photographing a friend.

e.g. our friends permission, do they like the photograph? Think about who is going to see the photograph and what we do with  it or where we show it. 


4-9-20    Kiddle

Today we talked about why we should use a safe search engine for children.

We practised searching using Kiddle to find images of space rockets for our research in our Design & Technology lesson.


Be Internet Brave

E-safety - School Rules 

 We discussed the school rules on the use of technology in school.

All the children signed to show their agreement to these rules.
