Our Curriculum 2023 - 2024
Our curriculum has been carefully designed to ensure that our pupils will leave North Crescent with the knowledge and skills to enable them to navigate their next steps both in their education and in their wider communities. But it is not just about the future. It is also about providing children with experiences now that are enriching and meaningful, that will add to their well-being and feed their natural curiosity, awe and wonder of the world around them.
There are three core threads or 'drivers' for our curriculum, as shown below:
Establishment - learning how to do things well and learning things forever. Learning fewer things really well, with deep understanding so knowledge and skills are transferable and committed to long term memory.
Planet Earth - what is our place in the world and how should we live? We need communication skills and understanding to listen, learn and respond to what is around us, here and now, before and beyond.
Every opportunity - a diverse diet of experiences and enrichment for all pupils. A calm but industrious, well organised and stimulating school environment with time maximised.
Pupils learn the full range of National Curriculum subjects at North Crescent, with English and mathematics at the heart of all learning.
If you would like any further detail about our curriculum, including the termly themes, and how we teach these then please do not hesitate to contact us - initially through your child's Class Teacher.
At North Crescent we ensure that our curriculum is accessible for those with disabilities or special educational needs. Please refer to our policy tab for further information.