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North Crescent Primary School

‘Guiding explorers of the future’

Nursery spaces available for children age 2, 3 or 4. Please contact the school office for an application pack or for a tour.

Adventurers Y4

01.07.22                      Copyright and Ownership 




To give some simple examples of content which I
must not use without permission from the owner e.g.
videos, music, images


Today we have explored copyright and ownership and how important it is to not copy the work of others. We identified true and false statements regarding good and bad choices. 



Managing Online Information


To analyse information to make a judgement
about probable accuracy and I understand why it
is important to make my own decisions regarding
content and that my decisions are respected by


Today in our online safety lesson we discussed how to search for information within a wide group of technologies and make a judgement about the probable accuracy (e.g. social media,image sites, video sites). This was followed by a research lesson where children had to research using a range of sources to ensure accuracy. 



Managing Online Information






To analyse information to make a judgement about probable accuracy and understand why it is important to make my own decisions regarding content and that my decisions are respected by others.


Today in our online safety lesson we discussed how to spot misinformation. We spoke about how fake news can be shared online, and ways/steps to judge its accuracy. 

22.04. 22                   


  Privacy and Security




To know what the digital age of consent is and the impact this has on online services asking for consent. 

To describe how some services may seek consent to store information about me; I know how to respond appropriately and who I can ask if I am not sure. 


Today in our online safety session we discussed appropriate consensual ages for different social media apps. We also found out the legal age of digital consent, and ways in which our personal information can be stored from cookies, which can leave a digital footprint. 





Online Reputation





To describe how to find out about others by searching online.

To explain that the information about anyone online could have been created, shared or copied by others.  


Today we discussed how we can find out information about other people online. We explored social media posts made by the queen, identifying information than can be collected from each. 



Online relationships




To give examples of how to be respectful to others online and how to recognise healthy and unhealthy behaviours. 


Today we discussed 'healthy' and 'unheathly' behaviours online, through analysing different social media messages (case studies).

We then spoke about different ways of showing respect to others online and offline.  




Health, Wellbeing and lifestyle    




To explain why some online activities have age restrictions, why it is important to follow them and know who I can talk to if others pressure me to watch, or do something online that makes me feel uncomfortable. 


In todays session we debated age restrictions on video games, giving reasons for each response. The age markers for each game were then revealed to the children.



Safer Internet Day


To describe strategies for safe and fun experiences in a range of online social environments. 


Safer Internet Day 2022 was celebrated on 8th February with the theme 'All fun and games'. At North Crescent, we explored different ways that we can ensure we are safe online and shared our learning in a whole school assembly. In Adventurers 4 we took part in quizzes, class discussions and set up an charter of responsibilities online, to be respectful to others. 



Managing Online Information




To describe some of the methods used to encourage people to buy something online and recognise some of these when they appear online. 



In this weeks online safety lesson we explored the term 'digital personality'. From this we then designed an advert/pop up for a specific child, linked to their activity and interests online. We also discussed how 'bots' can produce pop ups and adverts, and therefore how these are not always secure links. 



Health, Wellbeing and Lifestyle


To explain how using technology can be a distraction from other things, in a positive and negative way.

To recognise when someone is hurt, angry or upset online. 

To understand how children can be bullied through a range of media. 

To explain why people need to think carefully about how content they most might affect others. 



This week we have be learning about childrens' rights in regard to online safety, through our 'Blurt it out' lessons. We have discussed how we can stay safe online, through child appropriate sites and adult supervision. 

We also took part in a quiz, about the procedures we have in school, such as:

  • What website is used by adults when showing videos, to prevent adverts and pop ups? 
  • When researching online what search engine should be used? 

December 2021

Click the link to see the latest advice to stay safer online over the winter break.



Online Bullying


To explain why people need to think carefully about
how content they post might affect others, their feelings
and how it may affects how others feel about them
(their reputation)

To describe ways people can be bullied through a
range of media (e.g. image, video, text, chat)


In Adventurers 4 this week we have been supporting Anti- bullying and Road safety week. 


As part of our Anti- bullying discussion we addressed the topic of cyber bullying, and noted prevention strategies that we would take as a class and individually to prevent bullying. 

Some of our suggestions were:

  • To ensure that we are supervised when using devices. 
  • Making sure that we are kind online. 
  • Speaking out- telling someone if an incident occurs. 



Be Internet Brave

Online safety - School Rules 

 We discussed the school rules on the use of technology in school.

All the children signed to show their agreement to these rules.

We displayed the Acceptable Use Agreement in the classroom alongside our Online Safety poster.

